We continue our series of posts on Billinglabs
Step 5 : Data quality
The new billing tool is ready, the end users are ready. You focus on the migration of your existing data into BillingLabs.
Something you also get to know when you get experimented in migrations like us is that the quality of the data to migrate is crucial.
It must meet the new billing system’s constraints and the company’s quality requirement’s level.
Indeed, during the migrations we have handled until now – and not only towards BillingLabs – it happened very often to the customer to discover the old billing tool was not always right: lost events, missing subscriptions, incorrect billing rules, wrong prices… The migration becomes a great opportunity of revenue enhancement! But only when the right level of the effort is dedicated to the data quality.
Some Project Managers within SpikeeLabs are migration specialists. As “Migration Managers”, they can help you to :
-Define and coordinate a data cleansing strategy from the identification of the inconsistencies to their correction before the migration.
-Define and execute a migration plan that matches your company’s specificities such as, for example, using a big bang strategy with a parallel run of 2 months, or choosing to do a progressive migration per product type, per subsidiary or business unit…
Good systems can deliver good value only if they use quality data. Our experts will secure your data migration.
Thank you Elvina !